Monday, March 3, 2008

The Best Wife!

I know that most of you probably won't really want to read this mushy stuff, but I wanted to tell my wife Katie that she is the best! I love her so much and I know that sometimes I am pretty lame and do and say stupid things. Anyway, this post if for Kate the best wife in the world! Love you!
p.s. Isn't she so cute?!?


The O'Briens said...

Hey! I, for one, LOVE the mushy stuff. Bring it on. I'll agree with you, Katie is beautiful. I am thrilled that the two of you are doing so well and jealous that you have a house!! Robby really wants to build in Salem eventually. We are moving to Vegas for a few years, but, when we return, maybe we'll be neighbors.

laneolson said...

I'll be honest Jared, you have always been a sap, but a man has to do what a man has to do to make sure he isn't in the dog house. JK

Lowe Down said...

Im so glad you guys are blogging!! We miss you guys a lot! We wish we could come out there more then just once a year!! Our family is adorable! I love looking at pictures of our friends, since we can't see you guys! HAve a great week!! love ya!

Dustin and Jamie said...

I love it Jared!! That was super sweet. I love your blog. Love you guys.

BJ said...

I am trying to do a blog for the graduating class of 2000 for SFHS. Please check out this blog.
And if you are in contact with any other students, tell them about it as well. Let's try to get this thing rolling!

Mitchell Family said...

Your blog is so cute! Your kids are getting so big, it seems like you were just pregnant at the ballpark! What an awesome husband!

Leilini W. Kinikini said...

Katie...sounds like you got him WHIPPED! You got et huh?
It's sooo GOOD to find ya on here!
Howz good ole' SF?
I'm here is SLC...4 life probably!
Keep in touch...and tell your
Husband I said HELLUR!
Marie Makai Kinikini

Melanie said...

She is pretty awesome isn't she! How come I wasn't made aware that you guys had a blog! I need to be told
these things. I loved all the pics. Your kids are getting so big and they are so darn cute. We sure miss you guys.

Lori said...

What up Augers!!! It's Lori "Kekelka" as you would say! This blog thing is the best, I love running into all my buddys!

Your kids are the cutest, and Jared that is so sweet of you to leave a cute comment for your wife! I love katie! I'll bet she is the best.I didn't know you had 2 kids, I thought just one. And Katie... I also need to be potty training! Girl, I need some tips!

My blog is my email is, sorry I got scared and made it private. But email me and I will add you guys. Love, Lori

Kandas said...

Jared- you are adorable!! I love it. Mushy or not, it's your wife you are talking about and I think it is very sweet. I would say that Katie, you are a lucky girl but Jared is pretty dang lucky too. You guys are too cute! WE love you!!!