Things that get me EXCITED!!!
#1. Laying in bed Saturday and Sunday mornings with Jared, Boston, and Lillie! We sing songs, listen to the kids tell stories, tickle, and giggle!
#2. Kinda gross....but when Lillie poops! I get really excited if it was not pebbles! :P
#3. At about 6 p.m. Monday-Friday because that mean it is time for Daddy to come home!
#4. Sunday dinner at either Grandparents house.
#5. The sound of the boat!
#6. Wake skating on the boat!
#7. Freshly cleaned kids in new jammies!
#8. Being with family.
#9. Laughing with old friends, new friends, neighbors!
#10. Having a DVD player in my car!! ;)
#11. Apple Pie Apple
#12. Being a mom to the cutest kids ever!
#13. Playing softball...starts next week!
#14. Badmitten tournaments!
and lastly because Jared says my list is getting long is..........
#15. Diet pepsi with a lime in a styrofoam cup with crushed ice from Dan's!!!!!!