Saturday, November 21, 2009


This is all i got of my kids on Halloween!
My pirate and my giraffe!
So dang cute!


Kristen said...

Cute, cute kids! Love the pirate costume!! And the pirate cake. Did you make that? Adorable!
Hey thanks for your comment on my blog. I agree with you 100%. They need to portray Edward's feelings like they do Bella's somehow. Seriously, when I thought of Team Jacob, you were the only one I could think of and now everyone is Team Jacob. I think it's funny. Eclipse will change everyone's minds. Can't wait for that. That was my favorite book. Anyways, thanks again for the comment! Hope all is well!!

Kandas said...

You are right...those are dang cute kids in dang cute costumes! I love it.

The Daley Fam said...

They are so cute! I love that they're such good friends. Perfect time to add another one to the mix. Okay, I can't believe you're already 23 weeks. I swear this is going by so fast. I think you need to post a belly picture. When we went to the park you didn't even have one, but 23 better have something!

utmommy said...

Cute Cute!