Saturday, October 3, 2009


So heres the story...My sister was watching Good Things Utah and they did this DNA blood test to tell this couple the sex of their unborn baby! You can take the test as early as 8 weeks! Well this company told them they were having a boy and then they did an ultra sound at 20 weeks and it was a GIRL! So this company is trying to prove that that was a huge error. They are giving 10 ladies a shot to show that they are normally 95% accurate!

So I wrote into

and went up to the studio

and was interviewed by

and took one of these (well actually 3--long story)

and my results are in....

I am having one of these!!!

So now I will have my ultrasound in a few weeks to see if it is right! All 10 of us girls that were previously interviewed will go back up to the studio in November and be on the show. They will show all us pregos at 8 weeks and our interviews and then give our pink or blue test result and then we get to tell them our ultrasound results! It should be super fun! I will keep you all posted!

However, I knew it was a boy from the beginning. I am 100% positive it is a boy and I could not be more excited for wrestling, trucks, pirates, and all the other boy stuff! My only problem is that I literally have no boy names...well I do have one but Jared does not love it! Lillie is still dead set that it is a girl (and so is Jared)! We shall see!!


Fords said...

I can't wait to see if it is right!! What a fun thing to get to do....I'm excited to see you on the show:)

Jeff. Nikki. Keizya. Reila. said...

So, that means you're done right? If I remember right. But yay! Now Lilly and Boston will have a baby brother to look after. Lilly might end up being a tom boy, but that's ok right? Can't wait to see what he'll look like...Boston?

Chellor said...

Katie it's still crazy to me that you have 2, going on 3, miniature people of your own! Congrats on the 3rd and I'm excited for you to find out what you are having!

A New Life Student said...

How fun is that? I can't wait to hear the final results! You will have to let me know when you are on the show so I can watch it on line! Any boy names?

Cristi & McKay Morley said...

I'm interested to see if it's right too. Let me know when you are going to be a star on TV so I can watch you.

PS I love your family photo at the top!

utmommy said...

Make sure you let us all know when you'll be on T.V., so we can hear the results.

Yeah for boys!

Whitnee said...

Okay, so my friend Veronica in Vegas did that exact same test with her first and it told her she was having a boy. Well, lo and behold, she got her ultrasound and it was really a girl!!! Ha! That's funny! Well, either way, that's so exciting. I obviously love the boys!!