I just have to do a quick little post and say moms are the best people in the whole world and they know how to make everything better! Today is day 18 at the Hughes house hold. Which means...my sister will be home today! I am so excited. Not only to have my sister back but for my nieces and nephews to have there mom back. While staying at my sisters 6 of the 8 people have had the throw up flu. Her 3 kids, my 2 kids, and Jared. Me and Allie are still holding out strong. It was fine when it was my sisters kids because they are all old enough to make it to the bathroom. Different story with my kids. Lots of cleaning up on my end.
Lillie has been sleeping so bad and she has thrown up two different days. She was up for like 4 hours one night just screaming. So yesterday morning I called my mom and was crying and telling her that I didn't know what was wrong with her. She told me to come over to her house. I am not kidding when I say the minute I walked in the door I felt better. Lillie fell asleep and so did Boston and so my mom sent me to bed too. Moms just know the things to do and say to make you feel better.
Nate(my sisters youngest) didn't feel good and he was crying and saying he missed his mom. I started crying too and I said I missed her and I was excited for my best friend to come home. And he says...well she is like the best mom ever!
So I guess I would have to say my theory is right. He thinks his mom is the best mom ever and I think mine is. And if you are ever sick, stressed, tired, overwhelmed or whatever else you might feel as a mom. All you have to do is call your mom and she will make it all better. They just know what to do. So a big thanks to my mom for helping me have a better day yesterday! Love you mom!
Here is my mom acting all business like!
Once I get home I will be giving a more detailed report of my stay at my sisters house. As for now I have cleaning and laundry to do before she gets home! :)