Friday, September 10, 2010

some of my favs of summer 2010

Part I
Real Salt Lake Game -- David Cook concert followed! ~
~Watch out Tyson is dishing out huge YELLOW cards~

Lillie and Bostons Swim lessons
Boston learned to ride one of these!

Paxton learned how to hold one of these...

Boston of course had to get one of these.... {now most kids would probably be scared but he is a trained professional by now}

Favorite shirt of all summer...possibly of all times! I want one in my size!

Paxtons favorite summer past time!

Seriously are they not the cutest kids in the whole world?!?!?

Lillies favorite new app on Jareds phone lets her do fun pics like this! Yes, thats right my daughter knows how to work Apps on her dads iPhone! {what is this world coming to?}


Matt and Tiff said...

What a wonderful summer! Your kids are so adorable! How come locking your keys in the car, at the Taylor's, each time you come, didn't make the cut? By the way, I am very jealous Pax can hold his bottle, that should be on the top of the list!

Katie said...

Glad to see an update! For those of us who don't live in Spanish or Salem, we need pics to see how big your kids are getting. Looks like you guys had a great summer - glad we got so see you for a minute of it!

Liz said...

I am LOVING Boston's face as he's lying there getting his cast on!!!! {At least I think it's a cast!} Anyway, it's like, Oh come on people... can't you hurry this up! I've got places to go and things to do! Geesh! too dang funny!!!!

utmommy said...

Looks like lots of fun went on this summer. Love the picture of Boston!